Joel Halen is one of the top quartz banger or nail manufactures in the industry and a personal favorite of us here at High Roller Smoke. Halen bangers are high quality American quartz bangers that maintain a consistent level of perfection. They started the line off with the world-famous Halen Buckets or Honey Buckets which is their take on the classic flat top banger. Then there is one of the most pristine round bottom bangers in the industry that only Joel Halen can match. They are always innovating with new unique designs like their T2 Terp Tops and Cold Start Cap Combos. The T2 Terp Tops are a specialized round bottom banger with a splash guard and narrow opening. The built-in splash guard helps keep spill over to a minimum and can be used to help remove the concentrate off the dab tool. The Cold Start Cap Combo was designed for people who prefer to cold start their dabs which is the process of heating the banger after the concentrate has been added instead of before. This process can lead to lower temp dabs and some say more flavor. This particular banger combo is longer than your typical banger and comes with an elongated cap to reach the lower base.